Then one day a very cute little princess of a cat sashayed past the backyard. Sebastian was hooked! He took off after her and they hung out together for several days, I of course knew nothing about this private party for two! The neighbors informed me that Sebastian had found a cute little girlfriend. He eventually brought her home, I remember the exact moment Coco joined our family. I was on the phone with my boyfriend and soon to be fiance Mike. I had been telling him all about her, and he said in true military style, "we CAN'T have 2 cats, we are going to be moving around the world!" (He is an Officer in the Navy). Well, that day on the phone here she was sitting in the window looking hungry, I said to Mike "i"m going to feed her!" He said "NOOOOOOOOOO!" I said "Too late!" Yes, yes, I fed her and after she ate and ate she curled up on my lap and that was it. I named her Coco Chanel, Coco for short.
Coco has been such a joy to have and she is a wonderful companion for Sebastian. They have their moments, but all in all they get along fine. She is about half his size, but she rules the house. If Sebastian is walking by, minding his own business, she will beat him up so he will chase her upstairs. They then proceed to “play” not “fight” under the bed; it’s very entertaining. She can be very playful as well. Her favorite toy is a little mouse that “grandma” bought for her. She throws it up in the air and bats it around the room. If she catches you watching her she immediately stops and pretends to clean herself. She is much too sophisticated to be seen playing with a mere mouse! When she tires of the mouse she often goes over to the basket of toys and digs around until she comes up with what she wants, smart little cat! One day I asked if my mother could take her to the vet for her shots. Mom said "sure", after all this is Coco we are talking about, not Sebastian! So off she went to my house to get her. Well she tried to shove her into the cat carrier; Coco was having none of that! She immediately got away from Mum and ran out the cat door. She ended up on the windowsill outside looking in at Mum. Mum then went outside to catch her well, what did Coco do? She ran back inside and jumped up on the windowsill this time looking at Mum outside in the garden! This went on for about a half an hour then Mum finally gave up. Poor Coco didn’t get her shots that day smart kitty!
At about the same time I adopted Coco, Mike and I decided to get married. He was living in Hawaii and I was living in Denver, it was time to stop the endless plane flights and get together! We got orders to Naples, Italy and we were both very excited to start our new life together. Now the way Sebastian welcomed Mike into the family is as follows. Mike was at my house and Sebastian was in one of his moods. He was acting like he was going to bite me and he was giving me the warning meow. Now I know how to interpret that meow, it means get the hell away from psycho kitty! So I got away from him and let him calm down. Now Mike says to me “you have to show that cat who is boss!” Well I know who the boss is, Sebastian is! The next morning Mike is in the bathroom, he had just finished taking a shower, Sebastian is sitting outside the door just waiting. Mike opens the door and Sebastian starts to do his warning meow, now, Mike is naked, OK he had a towel but that was it. Anyway, Sebastian is meowing and staring up at Mike wondering, “what is that?” So Mike says to me, and I quote, “Get him away from me!” And I say, “You have to show him whose boss!” Well right then Mike had one of those slow motion moments, Sebastian made a jump for the family jewels! Mike looked like a circus trainer trying to control a Black Panther. Every time Sebastian would leap Mike would whip the towel at him! Eventually Mike retreated to the safety of the bathroom. He knows who the boss is now except when Coco is around, then she’s the boss.
Those of you that are military will understand when I say "let the chaos begin" those of you who are not can only read and learn! We decided to get married in Denver so I took 6 months and planned a winter wedding. (Mike was at sea) Now October rolls around, the wedding is scheduled for December well, the US Navy will not move my stuff to Italy unless Mike and I are married BEFORE December 1! Heavy sigh....so Mike and I decide to marry on the beach in Hawaii at sunset on November 11 and then still have the big wedding in Denver that way our "official" wedding date will comply with the Navy rules. (those of you who are not military are shaking your heads right now) So we have a beautiful ceremony on the beach and have dinner at the Old Moana right on the beach everything is peachy. Then we get our marriage certificate in the mail and it has deficient stamped on it!! OK, so the guy that married us was not properly registered with the state of Hawaii (oops) so we called him up, got him registered we got ANOTHER license and singed off the correct paperwork in the hallway of the department of health, wedding number 2. THEN we flew home to Denver for wedding number 3 and hopefully the final wedding! Whew! Now we can move to Italy! So the next hurdle to jump over is how do I get my two, yes, two cats to Italy with us? Well, the Navy had all sorts of ideas like putting them in the cargo hold of the plane, and making them stay in a kennel until we find a house "RIGHT, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN", so I ask my parents if the cats can live with them until we get settled in Italy. They said yes of course, so we moved the whole family into Mum and Dad's bitchin bed and breakfast and gourmet chicken house. More Cat Tails to come....
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