Alex came into my life just when I needed him most. Coco also needed a mate as she was still trying to figure out what happened to Sebastian. She would walk around the house meowing for him, it just added to the stress of the situation. So Mike took things into his hands and started pursuing getting another cat.
We found Alex in the paper as I mentioned above. He was a beautiful little 2 pound kitten with green eyes. He was VERY shy and during the ride back to our house he didn’t make a peep so I thought “wow, this is a quiet cat” BOY WAS I WRONG! That night Alex was adjusting to his new home and he was NOT happy. He “kitten screamed” all night long. I tried to have him with us in our room, but I couldn’t catch him. Instead he preferred the office under the desk. So we left him in there with a bowl of food and a cat box, but still he cried all night.
Alex came into my life just when I needed him most. Coco also needed a mate as she was still trying to figure out what happened to Sebastian. She would walk around the house meowing for him, it just added to the stress of the situation. So Mike took things into his hands and started pursuing getting another cat.
We found Alex in the paper as I mentioned above. He was a beautiful little 2 pound kitten with green eyes. He was VERY shy and during the ride back to our house he didn’t make a peep so I thought “wow, this is a quiet cat” BOY WAS I WRONG! That night Alex was adjusting to his new home and he was NOT happy. He “kitten screamed” all night long. I tried to have him with us in our room, but I couldn’t catch him. Instead he preferred the office under the desk. So we left him in there with a bowl of food and a cat box, but still he cried all night.
The next morning Alex finally fell asleep, I think he wore himself out! So I went into the office to try and see if he would warm up to me. NOPE, he would have nothing to do with me and then he started meowing again, did I mention that he is loud? So I shut the door and tried to give him some peace. After about 2 hours of this I called Mike and told him that I didn’t know what to do, he said "just give him more time." I finally decided that the only way this cat was going to get over his fear of me was if I could somehow get him NOT to run away every time he saw me! So I went and got a cat leash. I carefully coaxed him out from under the bed (he had moved to the guest room) and miraculously I got the leash on him! I put him in his carrier and took him outside on the patio, after all it was a rare sunny day in WA. He was still meowing quite loud and I was beginning to wonder what the neighbors were going to think! So I decided to give Alex some more of his food, well he turned his nose up to the stuff, apparently he really didn’t like it. BUT there was some of Coco’s food nearby and he went for it! He ate everything in sight. I bet I fed him three cans of cat food! He was HUNGRY, that’s why he was meowing so loud and he didn’t like the food that the breeder had been feeding him poor kitty! After he gorged himself he washed his face and promptly curled up on my lap and went to sleep! AMAZING! After that it was smooth sailing for our family. Alex gets along famously with Coco, she grooms him and they play together, it’s heart warming.
Just as Alex was getting settled it was time for us to move across the country again, this time to Washington DC. I was so glad to leave Washington State and yet, it was bitter sweet, I had to leave my beautiful Sebastian there. Moving day was both a sad and incredibly happy day, if that’s possible. As we drove away from Washington State I cried and cried I was saying my goodbyes to Sebastian and it was terribly hard....I will never ever forget him....
It was a peaceful drive towards our new life, Mike and I thought “this will be a piece of cake." But then came day three, the day that Alex discovered the sun roof. I don’t think he had ever seen the sun before! Anyway, here we are driving and Alex decided that he wanted out of the car through the sun roof! He quickly got up on the back of my seat and hung there like King Kong on the Empire State Building, yowling at the sun roof! He was determined to get out! It was a very interesting sight, I think Alex had had enough of being in the car! Coco in her usual principessa style, just biffed him upside the head as if you say "stop whining, it's not that bad!" Mike quickly closed the sun roof and Alex calmed right down. More Cat Tails to come......
Just as Alex was getting settled it was time for us to move across the country again, this time to Washington DC. I was so glad to leave Washington State and yet, it was bitter sweet, I had to leave my beautiful Sebastian there. Moving day was both a sad and incredibly happy day, if that’s possible. As we drove away from Washington State I cried and cried I was saying my goodbyes to Sebastian and it was terribly hard....I will never ever forget him....
It was a peaceful drive towards our new life, Mike and I thought “this will be a piece of cake." But then came day three, the day that Alex discovered the sun roof. I don’t think he had ever seen the sun before! Anyway, here we are driving and Alex decided that he wanted out of the car through the sun roof! He quickly got up on the back of my seat and hung there like King Kong on the Empire State Building, yowling at the sun roof! He was determined to get out! It was a very interesting sight, I think Alex had had enough of being in the car! Coco in her usual principessa style, just biffed him upside the head as if you say "stop whining, it's not that bad!" Mike quickly closed the sun roof and Alex calmed right down. More Cat Tails to come......